Saturday, December 5, 2009


There is no free ride. We need to run with endurance everyday. We serve a God who rewards those who diligently seek Him. Everyday there is a notion that tries to steal our drive and our passion. This notion is, that it is not worth the effort.
We need to drive our stake in the ground. We will not lose territory to the enemy through complacency and apathy. We will not be distracted. We will not lose focus. We are pressing on toward the prize. We are going to walk in the high calling of God. Everyday, Let's determine to continue. We will not quit.

Determine experience and share the love of the Lord more today than yesterday.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Healing Rooms

Tonight, I am scheduled to be in our healing rooms. The healing rooms are just places where people can come to receive prayer for any illness. We have seen many people come and receive from the Lord, not just healing for their bodies,but healing for their minds also. I am really looking forward to my time there. When we are praying for people, there is such a sweet presence of the Lord. There is nothing that compares to that time in the God's presence. I love it.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A new voice!!

I write now as a new person. Such a transformation has taken place in me over the past year and a half. I will try to elaborate in the next few posts. I have never been more in love with my Lord, and from that I have never been more in love with my wife and children than I am right now. I feel like so much malice has been removed from my heart. What was hard and cold as a stone has, by the wonderful working of God, been softened until it now resembles a heart.

Thank you, Lord, for Your faithfulness.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Purpose

I have been really feeling convicted lately about my lifestyle choices and about the 'amount' of God that I am allowing into my life. Several days ago it hit me that I have been reading my "Runner's world" magazine very religiously for a long time. In it are outlined the steps to take when training to run my best race. There are also many articles about elite runners and their training programs and the sacrifices that they have made to become the elite. I realized several days ago that if I want to run the Christian race I have to train. If I want to be elite I have to train harder than everyone else. Which requires greater sacrifice.
I decided that I would apply the same priciples of training for running to seeking the Lord and His purposes for my life. I have only ever wanted to serve the Lord, but have been so lazy and unfaithful. Today I am making the commitment to start training for the Christian race.
A long time ago I asked God what the verse "many are called but few are chosen" really meant. I felt, as I was going through this realization about my life, that many are called but God cannot use people as effectively if they are not prepared. So I need to prepare myself to run the race.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


One whole month has gone by since the last post. I don't feel as though I have made any more progress toward my relationship with God. I am stagnant actually floating down stream. What do I have to do to see a change?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

what does it take?

Today, I was talking to someone who has recently been divorced. I tried to encourage her by telling her about the good things of God. I didn't say but I wanted her to spend time seeking the Lord and to wait for Him to comfort her. Which I believe will happen if she seeks the Lord. So why can't I make myself do the same thing? I know that God will answer me and save me out of all my trouble. Why then can I not seek Him as I know I should?

I have noticed a change in me though. I have been more in love with my wife. I have been happier. Even after that one day of praying I feel the effects until today. Maybe tomorrow as well.

I found a website that has worship music on it. You should listen to it!

"Tenderize my Heart" is my favorite so far.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

It's a New Day

This morning I woke at 5:30 am. I had just finished having dream that my wife had given me something like a calling card. She gave me one that would let me use a cell phone and one that gave me access to pray to God. After I awoke, I remembered the dream. I felt like I should get up to pray. I spent time this morning for the first time in what seems like years praying to my Lord.
I had been feeling like I did not see the relevance of God in life today. There is a verse in the Bible that says, "As much as is possible live peaceably with all men." I realised today that that peace comes from the Lord. Today. I had a song in my heart all day. It was a pleasant change.